So I had this idea. This marvelous intoxicating idea. This resilient parasite that bustled inside my head until finally I put it into action. Enter Melodious Euphoria!!! This blog (which will hereafter be referred to as, "Mellow Dice") will have several different features. Here's the first one: The idea that started it all. As often as possible, weekly if I can, we will take a song and analyze it. What makes it good? What makes it bad? What's this part called? Then we will rate it on a scale of 1-10. We will try our best to be unbiased as possible and rate these songs on a basis of musical knowledge. The songs will be unraveled before your very eyes. After every song is unraveled I will ask you, the reader, to comment with what song I should do next. Genre, band, era, and popularity don't matter. After a few days, if we get enough comments, I will release a poll of 4 different songs that have been requested. You get to vote on which one we do next. But who wants to read a blog that's only updated weekly? Certainly not me. Why not daily? That's where the next parts come in. Enter "Brand New and Shiny." This is where we find songs that have been released withing the past week of the post. Brand new and never heard before. Kinda. I, personally, will have a section called, "I Leave You With This." At the end of the day I will post a link to a song. This song will be one of two things: It will either be a song by a band that isn't very popular yet, or it's a song by a band that's extremely popular but the song isn't heard that much. Now...did you honestly think I would forget about you? If you submit your own original song we'll post it and do a short review of it here on Mellow Dice. Apart from that we'll post tracks that we're listening to, or that you might find entertaining. So pay attention!! We'll try to keep you interested with this ever changing blog. So that's pretty much it. Welcome to Melodious Euphoria and I hope you enjoy it. Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.