So today I spent the day at Pensacola's, most impressive, Naval air museum. Other than seeing hundreds of aircraft one of the best parts was seeing a movie about the Blue Angels on the I-max screen. Being there brought back a lot of memories of me as a kid. I had a great time. As I watched the movie on the Blue Angels I wondered what music they would listen to before their flight to get them pumped up, if they even needed music. Then it hit me. This is the ultimate song for anything you do that is epic and involves heavy machinery. HIGHWAY TO THE DANGER ZOOOOOOOOONNNNEEE! Having that stuck in my head the whole time there made it that much more awesome. Danger zone is written by Kenny Loggins. You may recognize it as the opening song in Top Gun. Enjoy this amazing song. Do yourself a favor and watch Top Gun too. A trip to the Naval Air Museum wouldn't hurt either.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yK0P1Bk8Cx4
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