Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
We analyze and rate music, post new songs, some songs that aren't well known, and more!!
It's Time to Cover Up
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Moving Probs
Hey everybody!! I just want you to know that his week will probably be a little slow on the blog posts from me. We just moved into a new house and we're still working on unpacking and getting settled in. We have a lot of stuff so I hope you understand. And there's always Jared's posts to look forward to!!
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Everyday I'm Shufflin'
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Saying I Hate Jazz is Cliche

I Leave You With This...
It's the middle of summer, but there's still a Change of Seasons. I'm talking, of course, about the song by Sweet Thing. Sweet Thing started back in 2008 in Ontario, Canada. They got their name from the song by Van Morrison called, well, you know what it's called. The band members consist of people such as Owen Carrier as the lead singer; Nick Rose on guitar and vocals; Alex Winter playing guitar; Morgan Waters on bass; and Tyler Kyte on drums. Their song, Change of Season, comes off of their self titled debut album that was released back in 2010. Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TaxO18KOaU
What do you think? Do you like it? Hate it? Heard it before? Let us know in the comments!! Also, don't forget to comment with a popular song from the 70's!!
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
What do you think? Do you like it? Hate it? Heard it before? Let us know in the comments!! Also, don't forget to comment with a popular song from the 70's!!
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
They're the Party, We're the People.
This local band is a little less well known, but we're gonna try and fix that right now. The band is called The Party Scene. They're a punk rock band from Summerville, GA who spend their off time with cheesecake eating contests and rugby. The member include Dominick Bennet on guitar and vocals; Jacob Barret on lead guitar; Chris Woods on the drums; and Dallas York on the bass. They don't have a full album out yet, but you can check out the awesome music on Souncloud here: https://soundcloud.com/the-party-scene
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Everyday I'm Shufflin'
It's time to hit shuffle on the Mellow Dice radio once again. What did we come up with this time? Feel So Close by Calvin Harris. Let's face it, if you haven't heard of this one you need to get out more. It was released on the 19th of August, 2011 as a digital download, but didn't come to the us till February of 2012. This song hit #1 on the UK Dance charts, the Scotland charts, and #2 on the UK Singles chart. Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEh3zEMYKzA
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Behind the Music

Peace out you guys and enjoy the song.
I Leave You With This...

What do you think? Do you like it? Hate it? Heard it before? Let us know in the comments!! Also, don't forget to comment with a popular song from the 70's!!
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
There's a Tower on the Moon?
We've only got two more local bands this week after this one. The third to last band is called Moontower. Moontower began back in 2004 in Atlanta, GA (obviously). They're an acoustic band with some funk, folk, disco, and blues mixed in with all of that. The band consists of members such as Chad Hunter who plays acoustic guitar, Jeff Sellers on the drums, Chris Iconis on the lead vocals and the keyboard; Steven McKelvey who plays bass and sings backing vocals; Scottie Lakas who plays electric guitar, mandolin, and does some vocals; and Benji Shanks who plays electric and slide guitar. They have some awesome songs like Next in Line, Mile Away, and my personal favorite: Keep on Rollin' On. Check them out here: http://www.moontowermusic.com/music/
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
We need your help!!
Help!! I need somebody!! We are going to try something new this Monday but we need some help with it. Here's what we need from you: we need you to comment on this post with the name of a popular song from the 70's. It can be any song as long as it's something people will recognize. You don't need a Google account to comment on these posts so please comment!! Any and all help is appreciated.
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Even in Video Games.
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
A Contradiction of Terms
Local bands. Local bands everywhere. Today we've got the New Antiques coming at you with some awesome music. The band began in 2011 with only two members until they discovered the perfect third wheel. Band members include Brad Berry playing bass and doing some vocals, but don't mistake him for an actual berry. Then you have Steve Taylor playing guitar and also doing some vocals, but it's not the same Steve Taylor you might be thinking of. Finally you have Jordan Burton on drums who isn't nearly as weird as his brother Tim. They have some awesome songs like Shy Away, Can't Get Next to You, and my personal favorite: Taking Over Me. Check them out here: http://www.reverbnation.com/thenewantiquesband
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Everyday I'm Shufflin'
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
I Leave You With This...
Ever heard of a band called Kasabian? I hadn't either until tonight. They're an English rock band from Leicester who formed back in in 1997. Their self titled debut album came out on the 13th of Semptember 2004 and made it all the way to #4 on the UK Albums Chart. If you've heard of Kasabian then I'm impressed. If you've heard this song by Kasabian I'd be even more impressed. It's called ID and you can check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FtvwLSWBx0
What do you think? Do you like it? Hate it? Heard it before? Let us know in the comments!! Also, don't forget to vote in the poll over to the right!!
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
What do you think? Do you like it? Hate it? Heard it before? Let us know in the comments!! Also, don't forget to vote in the poll over to the right!!
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
The Song Remains the Same

Jazzy Voice with an Indie Sound.

Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Come Sail Away With Me
I've go another local band for everybody today. They're called Sailing to Denver. They're sound is truly unique and wonderful. It's almost like a mix between alternative rock and country. They band consists of the members Brent Sandel, Shannon Case, Patrick Haynes, Mason Lutz, Jake Cohan, and Jenna Mobley. Their self titled debut album has some awesome songs like Miss My Girl, Whistling Past the Graveyard, Welcome Agenda 21, and my personal favorite Night Walk. Check out their stuff here: http://www.sailingtodenver.com/
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Love is Such a Strong Word.
became popular enough to move up to an A-side. However, this version never really get very popular. It wasn't till Joan Jett got a hold of it in 1981 that it became world renown. Jett's version of the sing hit #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 for seven straight weeks. It was also voted at #89 in the Rolling Stone's 100 Greatest Guitar Songs. You can check out the original version by the Arrows here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbKuuqwfZiM
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
One Song At a Time
Believe it or not there songs out there are that don't cause controversy. Why? Well if the singer makes his lyrics a story and easy for anyone to understand, we won't have to argue about what the lyrics are about. Mr Johnny Cash is a perfect example of a story teller. He pretty much incorporated stories with music with every other song. This is one of my favorite Johnny Cash songs because its got a catchy chorus and the story is creative and it always cracks me up. Hope you enjoy this old country song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qEG9EnHnw0
It's Not a Scientific Method...
Time for another local band!! This one's called Wire Method and they're from Atlanta, GA. They're an indie/alternative rock band that started back in the beginning of 2010. The band consists of Brooklyn Scott, Lauren Scott, Morgan Scott (they're probably related), Seth Banks, Jared Cox, and Cameron Moore. The songs they have out are off of The Trying EP. It has songs like, Anchor, Glass, The Beginning, Brighter Days, and my personal favorite: Keep On. Check it out here: http://wiremethod.bandcamp.com/
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Live Like What?

Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Everyday I'm Shufflin'
Gonna do this a little earlier today so we can get the local bands on later. Today when I hit shuffle I stumbled upon a song I haven't heard in years. I've been looking for it, but I never could remember the name. Well now I know. It's called Soul to Squeeze by Red Hot Chili Peppers. It was released in August of 1993 and made it all the way to #1 on the US charts. Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X0enHCD-1g
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
He Prefers the Name Stormageddon.
A British tenor who played a major role in one of the most popular musicals singing a song from a musical adaptation of a book. That's what's happening here. Alfie Boe is commonly known as, "the people's tenor," and is well known for his rendition of the song Bring Him Home from Les Miserables. You may have seen it at the Memorial Day celebration back in May. When I found out he did a version of one of my favorite songs, I was ecstatic. I literally jumped out of my seat and yelled, "no way!!" Even if you haven't heard of Alfie Boe, I'm positive you've heard of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Before you ask, no he didn't do one of the Oompa Loompa songs. He did Pure Imagination. This is probably my favorite version of this song now. Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8JwDRppXis
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
I Leave You With This...
What do you think? Do you like it? Hate it? Heard it before? Let us know in the comments!! Also, don't forget to vote in the poll over to the right!!
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Everyday I'm Shufflin'
It's time to hit shuffle once again. This time we're going back to 1998 with the band Semisonic. This song is called Closing Time off of the album Feeling Strangely Fine. Most people assume that it's a song about a man closing down his bar. However, that is only partially true. The drummer for the band, Jacob Slichter, said that it was actually about a baby who was being born and leaving the womb like a bartender cleaning up his bar. Slichter also said that it was written by the lead singer, Dan Wilson, who wrote the song in anticipation of being a father. You can check it out here:
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.

Remember Who You Are.
People ask me all the time, "why do you call yourself Simba?" Well can you blame me with a soundtrack like this? The Lion King has one of the most iconic soundtracks of all time. Of course there's always Can You Feel the Love Tonight, and Hakuna Matata, but everybody loves the title song: Circle of Life. The song was composed by Elton John and the lyrics came from Time Rice. The song was nominated for Academy Awards Best Song in 1994, but was beat by Can You Feel the Love Tonight. It's gone up to #11 on the UK charts, and #18 on the US. Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRyzkqYj9nE
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
It's a Very Special Type of Wood.

Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
What Kind of a Nation is That?
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
I Leave You With This...
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Should probably save this for midnight...

Everyday I'm Shufflin'
We have an interesting song for you tonight. After listening to the radio of the Mellow Dice playlist, what comes on? Rock the Casbah by the Clash. Now, what is this song about? It can get very confusing because the Clash used various Arabic, Hebrew, and Turkish words in the song. The song is about a king banning people from playing rock music. They ignored the order and "rocked the casbah." The king told pilots to bomb the rebellion, and the pilots ignored them and played rock music in their cockpit. Interesting, right? Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bn1Ca8izXto
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Let Me Love You!!
Over the past week we asked you which song we should unravel: El Paso by Marty Robins, or Hearts a Mess by Gotye. You voted and now we have a winner!! By more than double the votes of the loser, the winner is Hearts a Mess by Gotye!! So what's the song about? The song is about a guy who's in love with a girl that has had some bad experiences in the game of love, and has shut her heart out to love completely. This made apparent through lyrics like, "You have lost too much love to fear, doubt and distrust...you just threw away the key to your heart."
The song begins with the guitar, drums, and violins giving a feel of the 1920's with simple. After a brief intro the drums have little more dominance and the the lead singer, Wouter De Backer, begins the vocals while violins give a faint but noticeable back up. After the first line of the song it sounds like some kind of keyboard comes in with a simple three note progression. The second line introduces maracas and backing vocals to support De Backer. The third line sounds the same as the first and ends with more subtle instruments contributing to the overall sound. As the chorus begins De Backer begins to sing, "your heart's a mess" and hits a powerful note with the word "connect." After the chorus there's an instrumental interlude with main focus on the drums and then it comes back to the main melody. As the chorus is revisited there's a guitar and drum duet while the chorus is being sung by De Backer. The chorus is repeated after this but with all instruments returning along with backing vocals. The last line is sung with an effective line to end the song: "But I don't wanna waste my love." Before the words "my love" are sung, chimes are played for effect and give you a quick chill down your spine before the song ends.
My first reaction: 6 out of 10. When I first heard it I was only mildly interested. It was just a song that I would listen to if it came up in my playlist. I never really looked for it specifically. I was already used to Gotye being associated with Somebody That I Used to Know, so I couldn't hear him without thinking of that song.
Official rating: 7 out of 10. As I listened to it more and more I started to get hooked. I no longer though of Gotye as that "Somebody That I Used to Know" guy. It still wasn't one of his best, though. I do love hearing the chorus of Heart's a Mess; especially when he hit the note on the word, "connect." Is it the best off of the album Like Drawing Blood? That's probably his bet album, and this song doesn't really deserve that high of a rank. It's probably the 4th best on the album, if you ask me. Listen to it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkYfHxW9zZU
It looks like Radioactive by Imagine Dragons is still the best song on Mellow Dice!! Think there’s one better? Have a song you want to know more about? Maybe you just want to see what we would rate your favorite song. Let us know in the comments what song we should do next. Any genre, band, or song that you want. If we get enough participants, we’ll release a poll later in the week that consists of your suggestions! Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
The song begins with the guitar, drums, and violins giving a feel of the 1920's with simple. After a brief intro the drums have little more dominance and the the lead singer, Wouter De Backer, begins the vocals while violins give a faint but noticeable back up. After the first line of the song it sounds like some kind of keyboard comes in with a simple three note progression. The second line introduces maracas and backing vocals to support De Backer. The third line sounds the same as the first and ends with more subtle instruments contributing to the overall sound. As the chorus begins De Backer begins to sing, "your heart's a mess" and hits a powerful note with the word "connect." After the chorus there's an instrumental interlude with main focus on the drums and then it comes back to the main melody. As the chorus is revisited there's a guitar and drum duet while the chorus is being sung by De Backer. The chorus is repeated after this but with all instruments returning along with backing vocals. The last line is sung with an effective line to end the song: "But I don't wanna waste my love." Before the words "my love" are sung, chimes are played for effect and give you a quick chill down your spine before the song ends.
My first reaction: 6 out of 10. When I first heard it I was only mildly interested. It was just a song that I would listen to if it came up in my playlist. I never really looked for it specifically. I was already used to Gotye being associated with Somebody That I Used to Know, so I couldn't hear him without thinking of that song.
Official rating: 7 out of 10. As I listened to it more and more I started to get hooked. I no longer though of Gotye as that "Somebody That I Used to Know" guy. It still wasn't one of his best, though. I do love hearing the chorus of Heart's a Mess; especially when he hit the note on the word, "connect." Is it the best off of the album Like Drawing Blood? That's probably his bet album, and this song doesn't really deserve that high of a rank. It's probably the 4th best on the album, if you ask me. Listen to it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkYfHxW9zZU
It looks like Radioactive by Imagine Dragons is still the best song on Mellow Dice!! Think there’s one better? Have a song you want to know more about? Maybe you just want to see what we would rate your favorite song. Let us know in the comments what song we should do next. Any genre, band, or song that you want. If we get enough participants, we’ll release a poll later in the week that consists of your suggestions! Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Have You Ever Seen a Fox Grin?
Let's get another local band into this, shall we? This band is called Fox Grin. They play an interesting genre of music called Art Rock which started back in the 1960's. Art Rock is a type of rock that is inspired by Avant-Garde and Classical music. Now it's time for the song. But who needs a song when you can have an entire album? Their album W-Magic was released back in April of last year. The album has some awesome songs like Mimes, Monster, White Holes, Rach Dream, and my personal favorite, Mayretta. Check out the album here: http://foxgrin.bandcamp.com/album/w-magic
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Just Relax and Listen Up.
We're gonna start local bands week with one of my favorites that I've discovered. They're called Otium. Now if you're like me you're probably wondering what an Otium is. Otium is an abstract Latin term which has several meanings, but each one centers around the enjoyment of leisure. I don't know about you, but I think that's a genius band name.
Here's a song that I fell in love with as soon as I heard it. It's called Peace and Love from the self titled EP. Check it out here:
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Here's a song that I fell in love with as soon as I heard it. It's called Peace and Love from the self titled EP. Check it out here:
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
I've seen a lot of Sunday's in my life and only half the time are they actually sunny days. Most the time it rains like it did today, but who say's rain is a bad thing? I personally like rain. It helps you sleep and ain't no sunburn when it's raining. Plus there's a lot of good songs about rain this is my personal favorite. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDGuyGPJ_JE Creedence Clearwater Revival seems to make everything that much better. Weather it's sunny or raining. (obviously pun intended)
I Leave You With This...
What is a Verve Pipe? It's a band of course. They have a popular song out called The Freshmen on the album Villains. Maybe you've heard it, but maybe you haven't heard this one. It's really catchy and probably my favorite of theirs right now. It's called, "Happiness is..." from the album Underneath. Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6ZAnIRh0kw
What do you think? Do you like it? Hate it? Heard it before? Let us know in the comments!! Also, don't forget to vote in the poll over to the right!!
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
What do you think? Do you like it? Hate it? Heard it before? Let us know in the comments!! Also, don't forget to vote in the poll over to the right!!
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
The Answer Revealed!!

You can also listen to the whole album here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXivRRQKGMU
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
It's Slowly Coming Together
This morning I gave you the first piece of the album, and a very obscure hint. Earlier this afternoon, I gave you the second piece and the name of one of the band members. Now it's time for the third picture, and the third hint. This one comes free with its own hint. Top right of the picture says the word, "Who." This could be part of the album's name. Is it starting to make sense? Have you figured it out? Give us your guess in the comments!! (Again, no cheating)
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Everyday I'm shufflin'
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Another Piece of the Puzzle
Earlier this morning we gave you the first piece of this album cover and a very obscure hint as to what it was. Now it's time for the next piece. Maybe you're better at guessing band members rather than albums covers. Well here's your chance to shine. You may be asking the guy in the picture, "who are you?" Well, that's Roger Daltrey. Are you starting to get a clue? Post your answer in the comments below!! (No cheating)
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight
Putting the Pieces Together

Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
I Leave You With This...
What kind of weekend is it? A Vampire Weekend of course! Ever heard of them? They have some pretty popular songs like Step, and Diane Young. Then there's this one. Even if you've heard of Vampire Weekend, it may be you haven't heard this song. It's called Taxi Cab off of the album Contra. Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHljPP-4Z4g
What do you think? Do you like it? Hate it? Heard it before? Let us know in the comments!! Also, don't forget to vote in the poll over to the right!!
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
What do you think? Do you like it? Hate it? Heard it before? Let us know in the comments!! Also, don't forget to vote in the poll over to the right!!
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
It's About That Time
In an hour the Chicago Blackhawks will be playing the Boston Bruins in the 5th game of the Stanley Cup finals. Maybe it doesn't mean anything to you, but we like watching hockey here. Especially when the Blackhawks are playing. So I thought it would be appropriate to play the song the Blackhawks play whenever they score a goal. It's called Chelsea Dagger by the Fratellis. Check it out and go Blackhawks! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCvvwoFsMzw
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
....Ice Cream

There's Glitch on my Computer
Ever heard of Glitch? I'm not talking about a computer glitch, I'm talking about a genre of music. If you haven't heard it, you're in for a treat. Glitch is basically a unique style of Electronica music. It's hard to describe without letting you hear it. So that's exactly what I'm going to do. Probably one of the biggest names in Glitch is the Glitch Mob. Makes sense, right? You may have heard this song either from a commercial or by some other means, but it's still awesome. It's called We Can Make the World Stop. Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-k_Eg7zXuc
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
Blues Remix

Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
I Leave You With This...
It's short one tonight. Not the post, the song. You may have heard of Queens of the Stone Age. Their newest album, "Like Clockwork..." is probably their most popular one yet. This song is not on that album, though. It's from their album, "Lullabies to Paralyze." The song's called This Lullaby. It's a sweet simple melody and it's very relaxed. Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xo0oSflfYKU
What do you think? Do you like it? Hate it? Heard it before? Let us know in the comments!! Also, don't forget to vote in the poll over to the right!!
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
What do you think? Do you like it? Hate it? Heard it before? Let us know in the comments!! Also, don't forget to vote in the poll over to the right!!
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
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