
Blinded by the Light a musical tongue twister

Do you have a song that you like but when it comes to singing it in the car you end up singing "bu da na ral sha we uh ba da..." or something like that. There's a lot of famous songs that are not known for lyrics that are easy to pick up on. For example, list any Nirvana song. Well today I'll help you out on famous tune that we all know well but may have a few key words missing. Or you don't know it well at all. Blinded by the light is a perfect mix between a tongue twister book and a few shots of acid. If you can't hear the lyrics in this song you're really missing out! Check the lyrics out here! http://www.metrolyrics.com/blinded-by-the-light-lyrics-manfred-mann.html If you haven't heard the song yet your in for a trip! You'll enjoy the song a lot more now without wondering what in the world he is saying. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlBifX0H3yg

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