Ever heard of Morning Parade? Well, you're about to. They started back in 2007 in Harlow, Essex. Their self titled debut album came out a little over a year ago in March of 2012. They consist of Steve Sparrow, Chad Thomas, Phil Titus, Ben Giddings, and Andy Hayes. Their name came from when Titus was a plasterer and Sparrow was his assistant. Every day they would get up early in the morning and walk to work. They referred to it as, you guessed it, a "morning parade." Maybe you have heard of them, though. Even if you have, maybe you haven't heard of this song. It's called Born Alone. Check it out here:
What do you think? Do you like it? Hate it? Heard it before? Let us know
in the comments!! Also, don't forget to comment with a popular song from the 70's!!
Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.
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