
Tv Theme Songs

You can't deny it. Everyone loves and watches TV. Whether you're actually watching TV shows, watching movies or just playing video games this box is a part of our life. We all have favorite TV shows and we watch them religiously, but what makes a great TV show. Well the acting and the writers play the biggest role in making the TV show a hit. However, when you're not quoting the show word for word that theme song gets stuck in your head. Yes the theme song. You can get a song stuck in your head for days maybe even weeks that way you constantly think  about the show. Every time I hear a Who song now I think of CSI. You may even notice that you're favorite show is one of your favorite theme songs. Some TV shows take the theme song seriously and they get really good ones. One I always have in mind as the best theme song of all time is from Magnum PI. Magnum Pi is one of my favorite TV shows. It was a crime show set in paradise. Every time I hear this theme song I want to be out driving a Ferrari around Hawaii and solving crimes. Well I guess I'm always up for the Ferrari bit. Anyhow check out this awesome theme song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIi9iTsbhtg

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