
Breaking Out and Starting Fresh

You voted an the result was almost unanimous. What song is going to be unraveled? Radioactive by Imagine Dragons! So...what's this song about? Some people think it's a post-apocalyptic anthem or a war theme. Actually it's a bit more inspiring. Lead singer Dan Reynolds said it was, "very masculine, powerful-sounding song, and the lyrics behind it, there's a lot of personal story behind it, but generally speaking, it's a song about having an awakening; kind of waking up one day and deciding to do something new, and see life in a fresh way" With the idea that it's someone who's recovering and starting fresh, the lyrics make sense.

The song begins with a mystic sounding guitar intro and a simple vocal melody of the word, "whoa." At the end of the intro we get our first clue that dubstep is going to be incorporated as a synth sound gradually raises in tone and crescendos to the beginning of the verse. The first verse impacts your very heart with the dubstep and drums pounding into your ear while Reynolds sings about breaking away. Mid verse there's a pause where he inhales to enforce the line, "I'm breathing in the chemicals," which is one of the most iconic hooks in this song. After the rest a guitar comes in with the dubstep and drums to replicate a similar melody to the guitar intro. The chorus begins with the words, "I'm waking up," and on the word "up" the drums make an impact in the song that is sure to get your attention. Reynolds is backed up in the chorus with vocals doing a similar melody to the beginning with the word, "whoa." At the end of the chorus he repeats the title of the song four times. Second verse begins the same way the first verse ended with the dubstep, drums and guitar. Reynolds also sings a line that is probably one of my favorite lines ever: "It's a revolution I suppose." Mid verse there's some kind of wind instrument introduced that sound similar to the vocals at the beginning of the song. Second chorus is repeated same as the first. There's a breakdown after the chorus with a revisit to the intro but with Reynolds singing what sounds like a possible third verse. The chorus is repeated same as the first two, and ends with the title of the song, "Radioactive."
My first reaction: 8 out of 10. I first heard this song back when it came out in May of this year and I thought it was one of the greatest things I've ever heard. It was also the first song I had ever heard by Imagine Dragons and they made an amazing first impression.
Official rating: 8 out of 10. That's right, the song is actually that good. The pounding drums and dubstep make an impact that is just too great to ignore. Put that with the backing vocals and guitar, and you've got some amazing music coming into your ears. Is it the best off of the album, "Night Visions"? Undoubtedly, yes. It might even be the best song by Imagine Dragons. Listen to it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eu-xFvLaE68
By a margin of 0.5 points, this is officially the best song on Mellow Dice. Think there’s one better? Have a song you want to know more about?  Maybe you just want to see what we would rate your favorite song. Let us know in the comments what song we should do next. Any genre, band, or song that you want. If we get enough participants, we’ll release a poll later in the week that consists of your suggestions! Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the review - one of my favorite songs! I was just listening to it at my desk!
