
Let Me Love You!!

Over the past week we asked you which song we should unravel: El Paso by Marty Robins, or Hearts a Mess by Gotye. You voted and now we have a winner!! By more than double the votes of the loser, the winner is Hearts a Mess by Gotye!! So what's the song about? The song is about a guy who's in love with a girl that has had some bad experiences in the game of love, and has shut her heart out to love completely. This made apparent through lyrics like, "You have lost too much love to fear, doubt and distrust...you just threw away the key to your heart."
The song begins with the guitar, drums, and violins giving a feel of the 1920's with simple. After a brief intro the drums have little more dominance and the the lead singer, Wouter De Backer, begins the vocals while violins give a faint but noticeable back up. After the first line of the song it sounds like some kind of keyboard comes in with a simple three note progression. The second line introduces maracas and backing vocals to support De Backer. The third line sounds the same as the first and ends with more subtle instruments contributing to the overall sound. As the chorus begins De Backer begins to sing, "your heart's a mess" and hits a powerful note with the word "connect." After the chorus there's an instrumental interlude with main focus on the drums and then it comes back to the main melody. As the chorus is revisited there's a guitar and drum duet while the chorus is being sung by De Backer. The chorus is repeated after this but with all instruments returning along with backing vocals. The last line is sung with an effective line to end the song: "But I don't wanna waste my love." Before the words "my love" are sung, chimes are played for effect and give you a quick chill down your spine before the song ends.
My first reaction: 6 out of 10. When I first heard it I was only mildly interested. It was just a song that I would listen to if it came up in my playlist. I never really looked for it specifically. I was already used to Gotye being associated with Somebody That I Used to Know, so I couldn't hear him without thinking of that song.
Official rating: 7 out of 10. As I listened to it more and more I started to get hooked. I no longer though of Gotye as that "Somebody That I Used to Know" guy. It still wasn't one of his best, though. I do love hearing the chorus of Heart's a Mess; especially when he hit the note on the word, "connect." Is it the best off of the album Like Drawing Blood? That's probably his bet album, and this song doesn't really deserve that high of a rank. It's probably the 4th best on the album, if you ask me. Listen to it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkYfHxW9zZU
It looks like Radioactive by Imagine Dragons is still the best song on Mellow Dice!! Think there’s one better? Have a song you want to know more about?  Maybe you just want to see what we would rate your favorite song. Let us know in the comments what song we should do next. Any genre, band, or song that you want. If we get enough participants, we’ll release a poll later in the week that consists of your suggestions! Until next time, roll the Mellow Dice and hope for Midnight.

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